Friday, September 4, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Michele and Brandi!

July 24th was Michele's B-day and July 25th was Brandi's B-day. Becca I promise I am not making these up!!! :) After opening some questionable gifts from Dave, we all had some cake!!!


We don't eat cake, do you have any fiber one bars?

Edward!!! Yum

Two Dirty Old Men!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Real Cops...or Strippers???

So this isn't the best picture, but its hard to take a picture without the subjects knowing. These 2 were way too YOUNG and way too CUTE to be cops! They have to be strippers!! Strippers on the way to a bachelor party but stopped off at Old Grist Mill first for a little lunch...
Or they are a couple, they drove a MINI VAN with SHERRIF on the side. She was the driver. I think there was a love child somewhere in the back seat.....